Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Layla's first Thanksgiving! Ironically Grannie and Granddaddy went to Ohio to spend the Holiday with Aunt Ann and Grammie and Grandpa came here from Ontario. So Layla spent her first American Thanksgiving with her Canadian Grandparents.

It was a cool rainy day but we headed out to the Duke trial for a walk, then dinner. We took several pictures trying to get a family photo with Layla did not work. She would rather look at us then the camera on the mantle.

We offered her white potatoes but she did not seem to like them. So like a good southern girl she ate sweet potatoes, which she loves. We gave her 3 spoon fulls of pumpkin pie, which she seem to be indifferent about. I was sure she would love it, but nothing.

I am so Thankful for our healthy beautiful daughter, it has been a great year.

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