Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 months

Layla is 7 months old today. And as a special treat she is spending the morning with Grammie and Grandpa who are here from Canada for the week. It is their first time babysitting her while mom and dad work.

This month has brought us a big girl who eats better and sleeps better! I have been waiting for this moment and it came this month. We start the bedtime routine at 6pm with dinner then bath and bottle. This is all done by about 6:30 and then she goes to bed and sleeps at least 12 glorious hours. She often wakes and has a bottle to just go back to sleep until 9 am. Most days I am up before her and it is great. She still takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap so her routine is great. She eats very well from a spoon, taking 3 meals a day. She is down to 4-5 bottles a day at 6 oz each.
One of her favorite things to do is to repeat sounds you make. We haven't got her to repeat mama or dada yet but other weird nosies she loves to copy you.

I have no idea how much she weighs but her clothes are mostly 12 months! Some even 18months but they are long in the legs but fit fine in her waist. She loves to eat, kicking her legs and making her her mmmmmm sound every time she is ready.

Words can not express my love for Layla Katherine.

Layla Kate your Dad and I love you soo much! You are easily the most beautiful, fun , sweet girl around!

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