Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 20, 2010

8 weeks....WOW!

So my Layla Bug is 8 weeks old and I can't believe it. Time is going so fast, and she is getting so big. 11.6lbs and 22.5cm long, wow! 3 needles later and only a few tears, mostly from me and we are done with the doctor again for 2 months. The doctor started Layla on zantac to see if that helps with the throwing up. She throws up after every meal and most times several times. This causes for a lot of tears for her and frustration on my maybe the zantac will help. I have heard that being a parent teaches you things...well lesson number one...I can't control everything. I really want and need her to be on a schedule. Eat at certain times, go to bed at a certain time, and sleep certain hours...and she won't do any of this! My life would be so much better if she did not see 11PM as her bedtime.Yup she goes to bed after her 11 feed. Way to late for someone who likes to go to bed early. I have tried everything and its like a light bulb goes off and she is awake. I should try to look at the positive she then sleeps for 4 hrs. Which after the every 2-2.5hrs she did last month is awesome. SO I will try to focus on the good and hope that she goes to bed earlier in the coming weeks.
She can hold her head up for prolonged periods, and smiles all the time. Her smile is beautiful if only it were there all the time. You just don't know when she is gonna break out in a big grin.
The other big news is she is in her own room! It has been a week and after 3 attempts and a lot of tears from me she made it. What I want to remember from this month is the pain I felt moving her into her own room. Not because I love having a broken heart but because with every long night of her crying I knew then just how much I loved her! Through all the sleepless nights, and crying fits I could not bear to see her grow up and be so far away. I loved having her close to me but it was time. We knew it was time because she moves so much and we kept finding her with her legs out the sides, of her head up against the side of the was time for more space. She didn't seem to care..but I took it really hard! So the big girl is in her room, sleeping longer and getting big. Wow I can't believe month our first trip together to Canada. I can't wait to take her home. I know her passport says she is American but to me she will always be Canadian!

1 comment:

  1. Awww hope the meds hekp! Congrats on the big girl room, and making it through the shots... it is tough to watch. Your doing a great job!
