Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Breaking News....I am a MOM!!

I did not get to enjoy my 2 weeks off...on Friday April23 at 0257 my(our)life changed forever. Layla Katherine McDuffie was born!
On Thursday night I went for dinner with Susannah and we took a long walk. I had my usual "tightenings" that happened when I walked but once we stopped they stopped. I headed home about 2130, and headed upstaires to get ready for bed. I saw the nursery door was left opened, I went into the room and as I waslked in I felt fluid running down my leg. OMG...I was peeing myself. I tried running to the bathroom, but with every step there was more and more fluid. It was clear this was my water breaking! I started to call Jatovi over and over. You see he was at work at the Durham Bulls, but the game should have been almost over. After what felt like a life time (but was like 15min) he called me back.I felt so much better just hearing his voice and knowing he was on his way. The doctor on call was Dr.Andrew's, not my favorite, but when I called him he was really re asurring. I also called Miss McDuffie incase Jatovi didn't call back, and my Dad so they could start looking into plane tickets. So Jatovi and I were on our way to the hosptial, me sitting on a towel hoping not to get amonotic fluid all over the car. I was most worried about when the pain would start. I kept thinking any seconds the most pain I would ever feel would start...contractions! But they never came. At the hospital they found that yes my water brook, but I was not in labour. Infact my cervix was still closed and thick, and the babys head was not engaged yet. Based on this with the cardic issues a c/s was planned. Dr Andrews thought that even with a pitocin drip I would not have a vaginal delivery because "my body" was not ready. We did not want to risk infection so it would be done then!
Jatovis parents were at the hopsital with us, and my parents were kept updated via text message and calls. They were going to fly down in the morning.
The c/s went better than I thought, in fact way better. Very little pain over all, nothing a couple of motrin couldn't fix. She cried and had apgars of 9 and 9! It did feel like a life time from when they said she was being born until I herd a cry, but nobody else seemed to worry. Perm was the doctor on and I couldn't have been happier, I think this made the overall experience so much better. I trusted him completely with her life! After Jatovi took some pictures and he held her, they took her to the nursery. I was alone, but aft5er some nice drugs I dosed on and off. I then heard the nurse call the nursery to ask"What was baby girl McDuffies wieght" here it was the moment I had been waiting had my diabeties effected her. 6lbs 7oz....what that can't be right that was perfect....I was so pleased.
We were in the hosptial until monday morning. The weekend is kinda a blurr. People visiting, no sleep, and painful breastfeeding. But our journey had begun!

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