Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 11, 2010

27 weeks and counting...

I haven't wrote in awhile because, well I just haven't had much to say. Things have been going so well there has been nothing to report. I feel so lucky to have had such a good 27 weeks. I will admit that between 22-24 weeks I did have a lot of pain. I mean A LOT!! I felt like my pelvis was going to break into 2 pieces. Every time I walked or lifted my legs apart the pain was there. If I didn't have to move the pain wasn't around. I still get some pelvic pains every now and again but nothing like those two weeks. Once that got better things returned to normal. I enjoy sitting and feeling her move. She has clearly a lot bigger because the movements are strong, often and even hurt a little. It is the greatest feeling I have ever had! All the books I have read say to expect to feel the baby move more at night and that it is common not to feel much during the day. Well that is not true for me! Her busiest time is around 10am. On my days off I lie around until see gets up and then the fun begins! I already know that once she is born I will miss that feeling the most!
On February 2 Jatovi finally gave in and felt her move. He has only done it a few times. He really is worried that it hurts her. He keeps saying he is waiting for the bigger and stronger kicks that will come once she is bigger. I hope he doesn't wait to long and regret it. I do think it is so sweet that he is so protective of her already. I gets all concerned if I push on my belly to wake her up and get her kickin'. He will say stop bugging her, don't hurt her...I guess he doesn't realize just how protected she is.
This week brings another fun adventure for us. My parents and Aunt Mandy are coming for the weekend. We will be doing a 4D ultrasound, my baby shower, painting the nursery, and buying all the furniture. It's going to be so much fun!
I really can't wait to see her, this u/s should let us see her move as well. I feel like it's been too long since i have had an u/s. But really I have had 3 more than the average person gets so I have been ahead.
Lets hope the next 10 weeks(here's hoping that she will come at 37weeks) is as great as the first 27 have been!

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