Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Maybe Layla?

A girls name is becoming harder to find then Ben was. But after only knowing she was a girl for a day and a half I was lying in bed at 6am, still at my parents and Layla came to me. I asked Jatovi and other than his bosses mother name was Layla he said he liked it. Because both of our Grandmothers middle names were Mae/May I thought Layla Mae would be pretty. While we were still up North for the holidays we did continue to think of others, but not many names Jatvoi liked. We both liked Brooke, then my mom said she didn't like it and Jatovi changed his mind. We came up with Payton during the drive home from Canada, but those have been the only big 3. Layla Mae sounded great in Canada but putting a southern accent to change everything! So it was just Layla for a few days.It then occurred to me that I wanted to use my name some how...Layla Katherine! I love it! But as usual Jatovi won't say for sure until "he meets her" So as far as I am concerned her name is Layla Katherine until Jatovi comes up with something better!
It has been fun going through names, Layla has been the top but my parents sure have had a lot of suggestions. I have received 10-15 text message in 10 min with names listed. Jatovi also likes Julie...which is nice as well. I just want something a little more unique. I can't wait to meet Layla Katherine!

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