Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well here it goes.....
As mentioned I am a Canadian girl that lives in North Carolina. I moved here in February 2001 for an "adventure". Well I got more than I bargained for...I fell in love!! That's when my life and where I thought it was going changed for ever. There was a time that the though of living here for the rest of my life brought tears to my eyes. You see that's not in the plan. I am a planner and I had not seen this one coming. " Me living in the US" yeah that's not gonna work! Well 8 years later I am still here. Do I still struggle with this...absolutely! But the tears come less often and I do love my life here. My heart will always be in Canada and maybe one day I will move back. You may wonder why we haven't moved back well it's that pros/cons thing. It really does make sense at this point in our life to stay put.

Jatovi and I met in October 2001. We clicked from the beginning. Which is so weird because the night we met ( at a bar) I had had so much to drink I didn't really remember meeting him. Well later that week when he called I was shocked. Well we went out for potato soup that Friday and have been together since. It took us 5 years to finally get married on October 7, 2006.
We have a big family already Jack, Zora, Butter, and our sweet girl Molly Brown. But the best is yet to come ......Baby McDuffie!!

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