Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 25, 2012

12 weeks, ThanksGiving and Grandparents!

I am 12 weeks now,moving right a long! I had my 12 week ultrasound this week and from what they could see he looks good. Way to early to see much though so still waiting to see if we will get a healthy little one or not. The depression sure got worse before it got better. In fact it has only been better while my parents have been here. Not sure what will happen now that they are gone and I have to go back to work.
My parents also came for a visit this week since it was Thanksgiving. We spent the afternoon at Jamels with the whole Mcduffie family. Layla had a great time with everyone together. I worried she would not really know my parents but I was sure wrong. When they pulled up she ran out to meet them, and enjoyed every minute for them being here. After dinner my parents and I went Black Friday shopping Thursday night. Toys r us opened at 8, so we went and joined the other crazies. We waited outside for 40 minutes and got a couple of the thing that were on sale, and had some fun doing it. My parents spoiled all of us, we are very lucky to have them!

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