Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11 weeks

I am 11 weeks now...moving right along.  This pregnacy is the same some ways and different in others.  I do think I am a bit sad this time. I cry all the time, hate my job/co-workers and just can't shake the fatigue. I am not sure if it will start getting better in the next trimester, but I sure hope so. I don't remember this with Layla, I was much happier. I have only had a couple of days of feeling sick, which is a lot like Layla. Before work, and if I don't eat regularly  A lot like Layla. Most people seem to think it's a boy, and I guess I do. But after last time I am not putting that much thought into it. We will find out on Christmas day. I don't like any boy names. Aiden is the only boy name I have ever loved....but way over used now. Jatovi doesn't want to talk names until after we know what it is. I have my next u/s on Tuesday, maybe after that some of the depression will go away. Worry all the time is making this hard.

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