Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Soccer...or somthing like it!

Layla started "soccer"today, how ever it was really just little kids running around. It is a four week program to get kids interested in soccer. Her team is called Thumpers, and Jatovi plays with her. I think they kicked the ball all of twice during the whole 45 min.But she had fun and got some activity which was the plan.

Daddy's Girl!

Layla had so much fun running, and running! It seems like we just need to find some other kids for her to run with because that seems to be her favoirte part. I guess she is taking after her Daddy who ran track. Lets see if the ball is used more next week!

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