Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ok she's back!

So it looks like it was Jatovi and I that needed trained. After a week or so of pottying at 4am leading to party time for Layla, I put a child proof handle on her door. And it worked! The first night she screamed for 11min and then nap time the next day is cried for 6 min...and since NO crying at all! Jatovi has also started to wake her up around midnight to go pee.And with all of this our sweet girl has returned. It seems like the combination of being in a new bed, being potty trained at night and therefore not sleeping left her every tired, thus a bad girl. Since her sleeping has improved, her behavior has as well. Don't get me wrong, she still see's time out regularly.
Layla's mattress is still on the floor and I think it will be there for a while. Since her falling out of the bed woke her a couple of times, I don't want to risk it. Also she really seems to like it so why not?

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