Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer fun with Family and Friends

Ok she's back!

So it looks like it was Jatovi and I that needed trained. After a week or so of pottying at 4am leading to party time for Layla, I put a child proof handle on her door. And it worked! The first night she screamed for 11min and then nap time the next day is cried for 6 min...and since NO crying at all! Jatovi has also started to wake her up around midnight to go pee.And with all of this our sweet girl has returned. It seems like the combination of being in a new bed, being potty trained at night and therefore not sleeping left her every tired, thus a bad girl. Since her sleeping has improved, her behavior has as well. Don't get me wrong, she still see's time out regularly.
Layla's mattress is still on the floor and I think it will be there for a while. Since her falling out of the bed woke her a couple of times, I don't want to risk it. Also she really seems to like it so why not?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Where Did my sweet girl go?

Living with Layla these days is like living with some one who has bi polar, she is up and down....and driving me crazy! We use to have a sweet girl who listened to us, behaved out in public and slept through the night. Well ALL of that is gone :(
Over the last couple of weeks Layla has spent time in "time out" almost every day. Usually for hitting Jack or Molly. She is very mean to both of our pets, and we will not have her abusing animals. For the most part she doesn't mind time out, and in fact has put her self in time out a few times.
After the first few days of big girl bed the honeymoon was over. Layla will wake up to pee and not go back to sleep, even if its 4 am! We walk her back in over and over again but she just keeps coming out of her room. I should be pleased that is she completely potty trained including at night by 25 months but really I would be fine with her sleeping through the night and using her diaper. But our girl is done with diapers and wants to use the potty, no matter what time of day it is.
Terrible two?? I sure hope so because that means she will not be a brat for ever!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Soccer...or somthing like it!

Layla started "soccer"today, how ever it was really just little kids running around. It is a four week program to get kids interested in soccer. Her team is called Thumpers, and Jatovi plays with her. I think they kicked the ball all of twice during the whole 45 min.But she had fun and got some activity which was the plan.

Daddy's Girl!

Layla had so much fun running, and running! It seems like we just need to find some other kids for her to run with because that seems to be her favoirte part. I guess she is taking after her Daddy who ran track. Lets see if the ball is used more next week!

Big Girl Bed

We have been taking about putting Layla in a big girl bed for awhile but decided to wait. I figured this fall we would change her bed and buy a nice new duvet set for the winter. This means we didn't have to worry about her roaming the house at 3am. The doctor at her appointment told me she was ready, but we weren't.
But like everything else in Layla's life she had her own plan. Layla has been a pretty good sleeper since 6months old. Then last week she started waking up at 6am to go pee. She had stopped using a diaper completely it seemed. We continued to put her in one every time she went to sleep but they were always dry...which some might think it is a good thing. But really I like my sleep and would like to sleep until at least 73O am each day, so I kinda wished she would just go in her diaper. But we couldn't untrain her, so we delt with it. Then Tuesday after a busy morning when she was clearly tired she started having a tantrum when I tried to put in down for her nap. If I picked her up her she would fall asleep. This happened again at bedtime. Jatovi was at a bulls game so I was all all alone figuring this out. While we were sitting in her chair with her half a sleep, I said "Layla do you want to sleep on the floor" I was joking and really just talking to talk since I had no idea what else to do. To my surprise she said yes, and laid down on the floor. I gave her her blankets and babies and left. No crying...she seemed happy. I waited 10min to see what she would do, and went back in. She was lying happily on the floor. Well this made me so sad to see my baby on the floor. So I took her mattress out of her crib and put her on it. I didn't want to bring her to our bed since I have made a point to not let her sleep with us often, and never over night. So this is were she slept!
The next morning Jaovi took the rail off her bed, but she slept on the floor again at nap time. That night I put her to bed and she slept all night. She has been sleeping well since. She has not left her room except to pee or get up as they yet. She starts calling us as soon as she wakes up so we have not had to deal with her roaming around the house by herself yet.
I feel a bit over whelmed with all of the changes in Layla these days. No more diapers, no more crib, speaking in sentences, eating at the table with no booster seat, and able to count to twelve! Is she really only 25 months old. I didn't realize this would all happen so fast. Babies sure aren't babies for long.
The last battle we have is her pacifier, but I have no plans on taking that away form her. I planned on her having it only till 6 months! Isn't that a joke! But it is the only baby thing I have left,and  it makes her happy. And really she only sleeps with it so how bad is it really?

Two Years Old!

Layla turned two last month. She went for her second year doctors appointment this week. It really was more like a 25 month appointment but it was the only one they had that fit our schedule. As usual Dr Sloik was happy with her health and development no concerns at all. Her weight was 30.4 lb(86%) and 35.5 inches tall(69%). So really no change a little taller than average and a big heavier. Her BMI is 17 so no concerns with being over weight. They completed a BP for the first time 82/40, which is also normal. So everything is "normal" Exactly what we what!
Layla is "potty trained" now. No accidents in weeks,and dry diapers in the morning as well. I hope that is a sign of things to come, because it was really rather easy to train her. Although I give her doctor full credit, I never would have trained her so young. We even took the change table out of her room since they only thing she used it for was a climbing table.
Meal times are pretty routine, we don't force her to eat. If we make dinner and she doesn't eat then oh well. I am a believer that is a toddler is hungry they will eat. And it seems to work, other than vegetables. Layla eats tons of fruit including water melon, and "bango"( which is really mango). Her favorite meals are rice and mac and cheese.
We have routine play dates, and Jatovi takes her swimming at least once a week. We tend to go out and play every morning, then lunch. After her nap some days we stay home or run errands. Layla loves playing at the sand box at the airport and the Durham Museum. She has started to enjoy swings as much as a slide but they have to be close to the ground so her feet can touch.
Layla's real favorite past time is watching Mickey Mouse Playhouse! If I turned the TV on she would watch Mickey for hours! We tend to let her watch TV first thing in the morning while we shower and get dressed, because we know she won't move. After her nap if we have nothing planned and an episode before story time at bedtime.
Laylas hair is finally growing in fast. Thank fully its not thick yet, it remains soft and thin and very curly! I still style it curly and Grannie still likes it braided. So she get her hair done ever day. Jatovi jut pulls it back in a pony tail, and it falls out mostly but at least he tries.
Parents morning out is still going well, and she loves it. One day when I picked her up her teacher told me that she had spent most of the morning in "tine out" I was shocked because they had never told me anything bad before. It would appear our sweet Layla doesn't like to share. After this information we started to work on sharing with her. Boy the teachers were right Layla doesn't like to share! So with this only child thing working against us, we work with her sharing her toys with us and kids she has play dates with. It is a work in progress.
Two looks like it is going to continue to be challenging, but completely different than the past two years. For the most part we have fun and enjoy every minute watching our baby turn into a little girl.