Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun Times

Layla has been enjoying fall. The cooler weather has meant for some great out door activities.
A trip to Hillridge farm and a day at Duke Gardens!

Layla had her first pony ride! She doesn't tend to like rides but I was surprised that once the lady helped Jatovi to get her sitting on it, she stayed.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Parents Morning Out!

Layla started a parents morning out class this morning! She will go on Tuesdays and Thursday from 09:15 to 1200. She eats lunch there as well. Although I am terrified and sad all at the time to leave her with strangers I think it will be good for all of us. I plan to use my time wisely, lunch dates, shopping cleaning...the ideas are endless. How ever I really think Layla will benfit the most. She loves watching older kids and she doens't get to play with others as much as I wish. She needs to lean to share and other basic social skills. Because lets face it, her Grandparents and Jatovi and I give her what ever she wants!
The program goes until 1300 but because she is the youngest in the class I will be picking her up at 1200 for a couple of months. After the kids eat lunch at 1130 they go out to the playground. Although Layla loves the playground we do superivse her closely still. The teachers have alot of children to montior so the kids generally play on their own. The program director moved Layla up into the older class. This class is from 18 months - 3 years old. Layla along with two others kids won't be 18 months until this fall sometime so they will all get the ealry pick up until they turn 18months.
I was so proud of Layla she didn't cry at all, and boy some other kids sure did! When I picked her up both days this week the teachers said she did great and played well. Other than them taking her down from the tables that she had climbed up on:)
Her one teacher even asked me how old my other children were? I looked at her confused, she stated she was sure Layla had older siblings beacuse her speach and play were "advanced". I am sure she says that to all the parents, but it made me proud anyways!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Follow up...

As I sit here writing this I am scared...Layla has been asleep for almost 3 hours. Before last Friday I would have been in heaven. A long morning nap, when she hasn't take a morning nap in over a month would be awesome. Instead I have to keep telling myself it is ok, she was up late last night and is just tried.
Since last Friday Layla has been just fine. No signs that anything is wrong at all. I wrote the doctor an email telling her about my history of seizures and that I was wondering if this information changed anything? She wrote back a very nice email. The bottom line is she doesn't know what happened last week and she agrees that just plain dehydration probably isn't the cause. If it were after the juice and teddy grahams she would have been awake not sleeping in food lion. I later that day received a phone call from Layla's regular doctor. Dr Deimling had called her and notified her of the events so she could do a follow up. Yesterday we took Layla in to see Dr Sloik. Layla was active and crazy as usual. The Dr said she has ruled out dehydration completely and she believes that a seizure is a possibility. After a long talk we have decided that seeing a neurologist now is not needed and we will wait and see if it happens again. The Dr wanted to repeat her labs to see if they were normal now with her "acting" normal. We were off to the lab and I was scared to see them hurt my baby. I said to Jatovi" we are going to see the reaction we all wanted last week". Jatovi held her body and I held her arm, e were prepared for a fight....and go nothing again. They took 5ml of blood with Layla just watching her. She smiled at the lady when she put the bandage on her, didn't seem to mind at all. So maybe that wasn't such a sign last week after all. What kinda kid doesn't mind lab draws??
So we left believing it was probably a seizure and if it happens again I am to call 911( that's what the doctor wants me to do).
That lasted for 3 hours when the doctor called me. Her labs were all completely normal now, bicarb was 23 and fasting BS was 81. Perfect!! And after giving it thought she doesn't know if it was a seizure either. She said possibly metabolic since the bicarb was 15 at the time. The key is waiting to see if it happens again. She really just doesn't know what happened.
So I take from this the fact that everyone is just as confused as I was. And we just need it to not happen again!!!
As you can see she was just fine during her appointment!

Follow up to the follow up.....
Layla had more labs done this week (September 12 2011) at the advice of a metabolic specialist. We are still waiting for the results, however Layla is acting so well I really try not to even think about it.