Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

32 weeks

I have been taking my blood sugars for over 3 weeks now and it is not getting any easier. The doctors keep saying we will watch the numbers for another week and see. This is because my fasting sugars are all over the goal of 95. The highest being 111, the rest between 95 and 109. During the day I can generally keep the numbers below the goal of 120 with out too much trouble. I can't eat anything sweet which includes fruit. I thought I would miss chocolate the most...and I do miss chocolate but I am struggling with honey dew melon the most!! Weird since I don't even like it! The last month I have wanted it with every meal. I can some times have it with lunch, but only a few pieces of my sugar goes straight up. The rest of my meals are just planned out protein meals. I have eaten more eggs than in the last couple of years combined. This has been an eye opener for me. I have a 60% chance of having type 2 diabetes later in life(not really surprising since my grandparents had it) but this does show me that I need to do what I can to avoid it at all cost! Hopefully I don't forget how terrible this is and go back to my old habits. I have had good will power(for me anyways) because I DO NOT want a big baby!!!! See probably won't be 6 pounds but I am trying to avoid a 10 pound er. I did give in and go for Mexican last night, I ate about a quarter of the chips I would normally have and the rest was chicken and cheese...sugar after 130! Way to high.So this was depressing. I hope I can figure it out so they are all within normal range soon or I will be going on meds!

As for Layla, see seems great. At my last appoint I am measuring 2 weeks ahead. So her weight gain has begun. This is what I was afraid of but since I am doing everything I know to do the rest isn't up to me. At my 30 week appointment she was breech, but I think she has turned. I still may have a c/s, and I am fine with this. My birth plan is get her out the safest way with me feeling the least amount of pain possible. So a c/s works. This means if she is large I don't have to worry about the head being delivered and her shoulder getting stuck, or any of the other million things that can go wrong with having a large baby. Jatovi isn't so sure a vag delivery isn't better, but lets face it this is my body! She moves all around but the movements have changed. They aren't strong kicks any more they are "pressure" from her large body trying to move. Her room is almost ready to go. Just a few things left to do like buy her chair, wash her clothes and put the car seats in. But we do have like a good 6 weeks to go. Plenty of time!

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