Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 11, 2013

And it starts...

Went to the doctor this morning and it has started...yup sugars are high. I was crazy enough to ask about the "what ifs" after I passed the 3hour test. He told me to take some random sugars in the morning and see what my fasting are. So the first few were fine. However they creeped up and up and now I am on meds. The meds are the lowest dose and at night only. I am considered diet control during the day, since thoughs sugars are fine.However that also means once a week appointments...which I do not have time for:( Oh well I have to do what I can. My csetion is booked for May 30th at 1000. Jatovi really wanted it on his Dads birthday, and honestly I did not care either way so we went with that day. Jatovi thought it would be fun later in life for him to have that bond with his granddaddy. However we now have to see if we will make it to 39 and 2!! I am sure his name will Bennett Baker McDuffie. Some people are already calling him Ben, but I tend to stick to Bennett. I tried to get Layla to start calling him Reed again with no luck..."But Mommy his name is Bennett" boy the girl is stuck on Bennett. Jatovi wants Bennett more than Reed so I don't see it changing at this point.Layla still seems very excited, she asks all the time when is he going to big enough to come out. She has no idea how her little world is gonna change. She is going to have to share her Daddy!! But I really don't see any major problems with her. No more problems than her 3 year old self already has. Boy she has gotten sassy!! She is so grown up, very sad!!

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