Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Watch Out Mommy got a new camera!

The day of Layla's birthday party my camera broke:( Jatovi bought me the camera like 6 or 7 years ago. It is a "high end point and shoot" and I loved it. However it is slow. Grammie and Poppy have DSLR cameras and I love them. Jatovi and I researched cameras, watched you tube videos and went to several stores. I had a really hard time picking a new camera because I wanted a small fast camera. I am tired of Layla looking cute with a big smile on her face but when I push the button she has moved by the time it is taken. So after trying many cameras I went with a sony a-57! It is a DSLR and bigger than I wanted, but it takes 12 pictures a second! I have order two cute camera bags because I want to be able to take it everywhere.
This is going to be a fun summer, and I will be able to take pictures to prove it!

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