Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Watch Out Mommy got a new camera!

The day of Layla's birthday party my camera broke:( Jatovi bought me the camera like 6 or 7 years ago. It is a "high end point and shoot" and I loved it. However it is slow. Grammie and Poppy have DSLR cameras and I love them. Jatovi and I researched cameras, watched you tube videos and went to several stores. I had a really hard time picking a new camera because I wanted a small fast camera. I am tired of Layla looking cute with a big smile on her face but when I push the button she has moved by the time it is taken. So after trying many cameras I went with a sony a-57! It is a DSLR and bigger than I wanted, but it takes 12 pictures a second! I have order two cute camera bags because I want to be able to take it everywhere.
This is going to be a fun summer, and I will be able to take pictures to prove it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Layla!

Happy Birthday Layla!

 Layla is two, I can't believe it! Our sweet girl is growing up so fast. We could not let this milestone go by without a celebration. Since Layla loves trains we had a train themed party at the Durham Museum of life and Science(one of Layla's favorite places). All of her closest friends and family were with us for the party. Including Grammie and Poppy, they couldn't miss it. Grammie and Poppy came for a week and brought Aunt Mandy as well.

 Thanks to my Friend Marie, we had cute train decorations

 We ate pizza since that is a favorite

 I love this picture of Layla's friend pretty!
 We had the whole train to our selves!

Unfortunately it rained :(
I was so sad that it was cold and rainy. I had thought if it did rain we could play inside...but it was packed. So we did play alittle between eating from 1230-1330 but at 1415 when it was time for the train it was still cold and raining. Most of the guests were troupers and stayed and went on the train anyways.