Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

22 Months

I thought I would do a post because although Layla isn't changing as much as she did the first year, I am sad to think I will be writing her 2 year old post soon:(
Layla is growing up so fast. As sad as I am to admit it, my "baby"is growing up! She is very independent and talking so much. She puts 2-3 worlds together and has more words than I can keep up with. Some of the words that surprise me are motorcycle and school bus. She see them and calls them by their name. Elevator, story,please, thank you, bless you, excuse me and all of he characters of Mickey Mouse Club house and Yo Gabba Gabba the list goes on and on. She can express all of her needs and wants....all of them! Some times we laugh because our child bosses us around. She likes us to all sit at the top of the stair es and go down on our bums. So she tells us,"Mommy sit down" "Daddy sit down" and she is not happy if we don't listen.
As far as eating goes some days she is very picky and other days she eats everything in sight. Fruit remains her favorite and still macaroni and cheese.
Remains a good sleeper. We have been putting her to bed a little later because Layla and I jump in our bed after her bath and watch some T.V and cuddle before bed. It is my favorite time of the day! I love it, and I happy that we get to watch something besides Yo Gabba Gabba. Layla also likes Mickey Mouse and The Fresh beat Band now. Layla continues to love"choo choo" trains and books. She wants you to read to her all day long. Of course this is great and I hope she always loves reading.
The terrible two's have not hit us just yet. Layla has her moments but for the most part she is always happy. She can drive me nuts with her wanting to be independent. Getting dressed in the morning some days can take for ever. If it is not what she wants to do she will fight you, try and play, keep waking away. I could scream some days. But the thing about it is, she will then turn around and give me the best hug and kiss. It's like she knows just how far she can push, and that all it takes is a cute smile and I melt!!
Potty training continues to go well. Layla is not consistent. She will tell you she has to poop but she won't sit long enough and 5 min after she gets off the potty she goes in her diaper. Pee she is much better with. She will go almost every time you put her on. When we are home she wears pantie's and does well. But I still don't trust her out of the house. The teachers at school say she won't go for them, but the workers at the YMCA say she has for them. Baby steps, and at least I can tell the Doctor at our 2 year appointment she is working on it!
Jatovi and I don't know if we are going to have another child or not. I have many reason's for just one. Jatovi thinks we should have another. I just adore my girl and that is enough for us right now!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Potty Training

Since our 18month appointment when Layla's Doctor told us we should start potty training we have been putting her on. Although I felt it was early I didn't want to go back to the Doctor and not have at least tried. She said " I will see you when you are two, hopefully in pantie's and not a diaper" Well crap now I will feel like a failure if she is not potty trained by two...Thanks Doctor!
Anyways really I just wanted her to at least be starting but for months we have put her on the potty and nothing.
Well leave it to Grammie, one time for her and she peed and pooped! I could not believe it. This was Sunday January 22. Layla has kept on going, over the next few days she wouldn't really tell us if she had to go but if we put her on she would go. Both pee and poop was more than I could ask for. She is not ready to go out of the house without a pull up on, but we are well on our way!