Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yo Gaba Gaba live!!

One Tuesday afternoon I was sitting listening to Layla walk around saying "Diba Diba Diba" and thought I think Yo Gaba Gaba live is coming to Raleigh soon. You see Layla has fallen in love with this show. We don't want her to watch a lot of T.V but I am not against some. And she has chosen this one, will sit for 5minutes straight and watch it!
So off to the computer I went to see when, just to find out it was today at 6 down town Raleigh. Thank fully as I was reading it Jatovi walked in it was 4:44. So I told him and asked him if he thought we could get there by 5:30 since the web site stated the box office closed then. Of course ever positive Jatovi said sure lets go. So we were in the car and on our way, during rush hour. I of course gave up several times during the drive and said lets just go home we are never going to make it by 5:30. Jatovi then said maybe you can buy tickets right up to show time, so we will just try to get there by 6. I had given up, but sat there on edge, I really wanted Layla to see this. Jatovi dropped me off close to the door at 5:43 and in I ran. The box office was open!! In fact it was quicker to be buying tickets then because the pick up ticket line was like 50 people and but tickets now line...2 people!
So we go tickets and were off. It was worth every bit of running and stress. Layla loved it. At first just quite and taking things in, but after a bit she was dancing with all the other kids. Priceless.

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