Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

18 months...I can't believe it

Our sweet girl is growing up...18 months. I can not believe that our "baby" is a little girl now. Layla has turned into an average toddler, full of fun, tantrums, and falls! She continues to have no fear climbing and crawling on everything and anything. She has had her fair share of bruises on her legs and even her face. Her 18month appointment had her weighing in at 26.4lbs(fully dressed, diaper and all) and 33 inches. That is 75%in weight and 83% in height, so is consistently big! She had 2 needles at this appointment and did NOT is kinda weird to me that she doesn't cry with needles anymore? She is right on track with her development, no concerns. The doctor suggested we start potty training her....I thinks it's too early. But we did go buy her a potty, but no pee yet.
Layla continues to have more and more words. I really can't even tell you how many at this point...but we are having a much easier time communicating with her. And if Layla doesn't like what you are telling her she is not above throwing herself to the floor and crying. Most times it is just plain funny but sometimes it drives me crazy. Thankfully it doesn't happen a lot, but if she is tired watch out. Just like her Mommy, the girl needs her sleep. She still sleeps at least 12 hours a night with a afternoon nap. She is completely feeding herself, although this can be messy. But she is to independent for help, and she loves using her spoon. Her two biggest issues with life...the car and her bath have both gotten sooooo much better! She doesn't cry EVERY TIME we get in the car and she even seems to enjoy her bath, hair wash and all. This makes life so much better because I could have cried with her it drove me so nuts.
Layla loves, loves, loves school. I can't say it enough. The teachers say they love her and she is well behaved. She has never cried, except when she has to leave with us. She will put her back pack on and go to the door and say "go school". I also love my free time!
Layla's laugh through out the house is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Jatovi is not convinced we won't have another baby. I however tell him" We created perfection the first time, why do we need to do it again"

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