Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Scary Day

Friday started off great, we all got to sleep in. Thursday we had gone to the pool to meet Hilary and Mary so Layla had had a tone of fun. She had so much fun she fell asleep in the car on the way home. She slept for the 35min drive home and refused to take her nap. This made for a long afternoon. By 6:45 she was a cranky mess so I put her to bed. That brings me back to Friday...I woke up at 6:55 to Layla crying alittle. I told Jatovi the time and said "It is too early she is not getting up". Not a problem she went back to sleep. Jatovi and I both stayed in bed awhile longer. Then got up, showered and ready for the day. I peaked in on her around 9 and she was sound asleep sucking on her pacy. So I went about enjoying my free time. I figured she was just still sleepy from her busy nap free day the day before. By 1030 I was starting to worry...15hours of sleep?? I walked into her room and she rolled over and sat up. I picked her up and she laid her head down on my shoulder. I sat down on my chair in her room. I was talking to her and looking at her. She was half asleep still. Then I could hear her stomach making noises and she started to vomit. It was a small amount of clear fluid but it worried me none the less. I laid her down on the change table to clean her up and she was asleep again. WHAT IS GOING ON??? I started to pinch her and call her name. She would open her eyes and look at me but not cry. I didn't know what to do. Could she just be that tired? I called the nurse advise line and she of course made it worse by saying I needed to bring her in immediately.
To make a long story short, we were then at the doctors 2hours with Layla basically asleep for most of the time. She would wake up with stimulation but not cry or doing anything. She would follow you with her eyes and respond to her name. But as soon as her head was down she was asleep again.Since Jatovi was at work I called Grannie on my way to the doctors. She took over trying to get a hold of Jatovi for me. Then her and Granddad came to the doctors as well. The doctor had me take her to the waiting room to see if she would react to them. Nope nothing, she starred at them like they were strangers. Her neuro exam was normal other than the sleeping. The doctor planned to take labs. If a blood draw didn't get her to respond she said we would then be transferred to the ER for a head CT. I was sure a blood draw would do the trick! When the lab tech arrived he had Jatovi hold her arm and me her body. We were prepared for a fight....and got nothing. She just lied there looking at all of us. Well that was enough for me, the tears came and didn't stop. What was wrong her my baby? A second doctor came into assess her and found nothing different. Since Layla had not ate anything since dinner, they said to try to get her to eat while they ran the lab work. With her favorites of juice(pedialyte) and teddy grahams to work with we woke her up and offered them to her. Two teddy grahams later her eyes her wide open. She took some juice and looked down at her band aid from the labs and said "WOW" and smiled!!! YAY, could it be alright? Maybe low blood sugar? The doctor came in and saw that she was perking up. Her blood sugar was not low enough to cause any issues. I was thrilled that Layla was starting to be her self again. I finally asked the doctor what do you really think is going on her. She said she really doesn't know but some ideas were a unwitnessed seizure in her crib, or a UTI. They had previously put a bag on her to collect urine. She peed around it which meant they needed to do a cath on her. I left the room...could not watch that. And I think Jatovi and I both needed to take a breath of fresh air. When they did it I heard her cry...wasn't sad at all. I was thrilled..the perfect reaction.
Her labs came back showing she had a slight infection, but no fever. Her urine did not look like it was the cause but it did have ketones. Since her diaper was almost dry when I had woke her up the doctor thought she possibley could be dehydrated. Since by this point Layla was running around acting like herself the doctor felt like sending her to the ER was not necessary. If she had had a seizure there was nothing that could be done at this point. We were sent home. Layla kept sleeping, in the car on the way home. I had to stop at food lion to get her pedialyte and she was so sound asleep that I had to carry her around the store. I tried to wake her up and put her in the cart but she looked drugged sound asleep slouched over. So I carried her trying not to cry. Why was she asleep again. I pinched her hard...and got her to wake up. It worked, she was awake until we got home.
The doctor called me later to let me know the rest of the labs were back. They had ran a tox screen in case she had ate something...all negative. But the doctor wanted me to know that her co2 on the BMP was low at 15. She was still concerned but since Layla had taken a nap and was eating her dinner at this point she said just make sure she drinks alot of fluid over the weekend. If anything like this happens again take her directly to the ER.
At this point I was so relieved that she was awake and eating (it was now 5:30) that I didn't ask many more questions. I went with ok she is dehydrated and she needs to drink.
That was fine until I spoke with my mom. I told her everything and she then reminded me that our family has a strong history of seizures....that includes me. I had several seizures from the time I was 6months until I went to school. They never found a reason, I just stopped having them. Our family history includes other people as well, so this has me a little more concerned. I completely forgot this while taking to the doctors because I really just didn't want to think she may have had a seizure.
So now 3 days later Layla is active and well. I am trying not to focus on what it was or what may happen again but it is hard. The doctor said we just have to wait and see if she does it again.
Boy I am terrified of that happening.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Precious Moments

Layla has been a good sleeper for the most part for months now. So at bedtime we just put her in her crib and walk away. I guess at some point she lies down and falls asleep. Well since reading books has become one of her favorite things to do I have added it to the bedtime routine. After she is in her pj's we sit and read a story.
During the day we read...and read books all day, But she won't sit on your lap to read them. She brings them to you and no matter what you are doing she expects you to stop and read. If your reading to slow she will try to change the page, or walk away to get the next book before that one is finished. How ever bedtime story has turned out to be one of my favorite times of the day....and not just because she is going to sleep! Layla will cuddle in, lean her head on you and just listen. I find it so relaxing and heart warming to spend these few quiet moments together at the end of the day.
I can't believe I love this little person so much!