Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

13 months

What can I say about 13 months? Well it has not been my favorite..that's for sure. I know it can be worse at least she goes to bed at 7 and sleeps for 12hrs, but really the 7-8 hours she is awake a day she can drive me nuts. Some of her favorite things are pulling things out of the cabinets, unplugging the T.V., eating dog food, and hitting Molly Brown with the T.V remote. Since she is my first I thought I could just teach her to not do these No I can't! That doesn't seem possible at this age so the cabinets are locked, the T.V plug is hidden, Molly's food is put up and poor Molly gets told to move every time she gets close. She throws food, and screams all the time, and throws any thing she can reach. When shes not doing these things she is as cute as she can be!!
Layla has defiantly turned into a toddler. She eats way less with apple sauce in the self feed container and graham crackers being this weeks favorites. She tends to eat a large breakfast and little snacks and meals the rest of the day. Layla is done with bottles! She has not had one in 5 days and didn't seem to miss it all. Since I stopped breastfeeding she has only had her bottles while sitting on our lap, in a chair in her room. This has only been before naps/bedtime. I was worried when we tried to take her bottle away she wouldn't go to sleep. Over the last few weeks she rarely drank her whole bottle so we went cold turkey and I just put her to bed. To my surprise she didn't seem to notice. Boy I am happy that wasn't a big deal...her sleeping so well is what keeps me sane!
She still only has 2 teeth! Can you believe it? Her hair is really coming in now. I have given up the fight about baby oil....if Jatovi wants to put oil on her hair then so be it. Really with the heat and humidity it needs something. Layla is not walking...yet. Just last week I thought we were months away how ever even today she is standing longer and longer with out holding anything. She will drink standing by her self and has taken two steps to her dad with out holding anything. So we will see. She only has a few words...not enough that's why she screams to get what she wants. She says Mom, Dad, hi, bye,bird, up and makes a barking sounds for Molly. I have been working on sign with her but she doesn't seem to be paying any attention.
I know that I am not a get down on the floor and play kinda Mom but I may need to try it! As she grows it appears I will grow as well....patience! I will need them.

I walked by Jatovi's car last week...and what did I see? A for ward facing car seat? When I asked him he said he turned her around because she was happier that way. Well of course she she can't be two different ways. Forward facing it is. Now if we are in an accident it will turn out to be the biggest mistake of our lives.

At home with Daddy while Mommy is at work

Loves to climb

The real Layla...into every thing

Fun Weekend

We had a great weekend. Friday we went to the Life and Science Museum, and then Saturday we took a trip to Wal mart and came home with backyard toys!

The pool is even fun with no water!

Climbing up the slide

Layla seemed to love the tunnel

Watching the butterflies

I was surprised at how much Layla seemed to like the pool. However her love of balls helped her to get comfortable in the water. The pool had little balls that she moved around playing with. I am sure when she starts walking it will be even better!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Layla's First Girls Weekend!

Layla had her first Girls weekend away. I took her to beach with Susannah, Janet and I. I was so worried that my single friends would regret the invitation to the 1 year old. But I think overall Layla did a good job. Her and I spent more time on our own in the condo than I had planned but I was fine with it. When we were on the beach Layla ate sand...and a lot of it! I tried giving her her pacifier to suck on but it only helped a little. I hope this is only the beginning to many beach trips for her and I!! I am hoping she can be my partner on the beach since Jatovi does not enjoy beach will be 2 against 1 then.