Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Layla!

We celebrated Christmas on the 24th this year because I had to work the 25. So Santa came early!! Layla had me worried at first, she seemed unimpressed by "Christmas". We went downstairs and opened her stocking. Santa had given her Yo Gabba Gabba Bennie babies in her stocking! Layla looked through her stocking stuffers briefly and than asked to eat breakfast. Well that was a bit of a disappointment. So we ate and than brought her back into the living room and showed her "how to open" a present. It was like a light bulb went off and she realized....These are all for me!! And she was off, ripping and throwing paper and playing with everything. She even opened her Dad's presents, but I didn't let her get close to mine! It was so much fun watching her and seeing her have fun with all of the wrapping paper and toys.
Santa brought her art supplies, an art easel, Disney princess everything, clothes, bath toys you name it it was under the tree. Grammy and Poppy skyped again this Christmas so it was nice to have them" with us" while we opened our gifts.
In the afternoon we went to Aunt Jamels for a big Family dinner. It was a great day. I have a wonderful family and am so lucky we are all healthy and happy!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Here comes Poppy!

My Dad had some vacation time to use up, so he came to visit us. When we first started to make the plans I was a little worried. I don't think my father and I have spent that much time a lone ever. We are both type A control freaks so I was a little worried that it would a rough week. But to my surprise it was delightful, in fact I loved it!~!~
I have to start with Layla calling him "Poppy" I had always assumed she would call them Grandma and Grandpa. But I tried to get her to say Grandpa and she wouldn't. So I offered up Papa and she said that just fine. That was how it was for weeks before the visit. The morning he was to arrive I kept telling her"Papa is coming today" and she just started to say Poppy. Well it seems to have has been Poppy since!

My Dad was like a big kid with Layla. He seemed so relaxed and just had fun. It was so nice, I will treasure this week for ever!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Great Fun

The weather has been so nice this Novmeber we have been able to spend some time outside.
We took Layla to Pullen Park to ride the train, she still loves them! They had other things to ride but in the past anything that moved she was not interested in. She watched the rides with amazment so I thought we should give it a try. She LOVED them!! Thank fully, I didn't want a child that hates rides, so hope fully this continues.