Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Done with work 2 weeks early!

Well the doctor has taken me off work. She feels that I need 2 weeks with stable blood sugars before she is born, this will hopefully help avoid her having sugar issues at birth. At first I was disappointed, failed at another thing. I couldn't even make it working up to her birth, however I am over that. I can sit back and enjoy the time, how ever long I have before our world is changed for ever. Others can feel "pride" or what ever it is that they feel because they were able to work but I am ok with the holiday I have been given! Now lets hope I can get my sugars better regulaited, and hope it was work that is the problem.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

36 weeks

So I am 36 weeks, if she doesn't have any plans of her own she will be here May 3. They have scheduled my c/s for May 3 at 0800 at DRH. I have mixed feelings about it. The main reason is my heart. I have had issues for years, tachycardia. It had been resolved until I was pregnant and it came back, and worse this time. When they did my holter monitor the end of February it showed that I was having triplet PVC's, and a lot of them. So they don't know what would happen during the the stress of labour so a c/s was recommended. The second reason my OB has said is that gestational diabetics have large babies, and there are many risks involved with the delivery of a large baby. SO I went ahead and agreed that this was my best option. I was generally fine with this until a co-worker called it an elective c/s, that pissed me off. This decision was not easy and I am doing for the health of my daughter and I. Anyways I don't think my OB would do an "elective c/s".
On other news my blood sugars are doing much better. They are not perfect yet, which is disappointing but they are much better. The increased dose at bedtime has helped. I am sure it is too late and her size has been effected but I hope the next couple of weeks she doesn't gain a lot.I can't wait to have her on the outside and stop worrying about my blood sugars. In fact I just can't wait to meet her, see what she looks like. what she is going to act like. I am ready!! I will miss having her all to myself, and feeling her move.
I feel over all really good, the only complaint is how tired I feel at work. My days off I am fine because I can sleep in and take it easy when I need to, but work kills me. The books said "first trimester fatigue" would be back, but I am sure I was not this tired then. Good thing I only work 3 days a week!
I hope my next post is called "she is here"!!