Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Baby is 6 months old!

Bennett is 6 months old already! I am trying to enjoy my 6month old but I am really sad. He is growing up so fast and as much as I love watching him change I miss my new born. He is our last and he has been such a different experience than Layla was. As a first time mom I was up tight, nervous and sleep deprived. With Bennett I have been more relaxed and just enjoyed the experience.I am use to being sleep deprived and really he sleeps so well that it has not been a change to us. With Laylas nightmares she wakes up crying most nights at least ones.Bennett has been sleeping through the night is seems like right from the beginning. He goes to bed at 7...and not a minute later. He gets grumpy if he is up much later. Many nights he sleeps 11-12 hours before getting up to eat and goes right back to sleep for a couple of hours. However when a growth spurt hits or whatever reason he gets up once earlier to eat. I read back and Layla did not sleep 12 hours until she was 6 months old! So even if he gets up once in awhile I can't complain he has been doing it for months. We are still breastfeeding. My milk dried up at 6 months with Layla but so far my supply seems ok. My supply has dropped to just what he eats. I don't pump any more...since I hate it! So I just put him to breast. I have made it way longer than I thought I would considering he didn't go to breast until 11 weeks! I am very proud of my determination and the fact that against all odds he will have gotten breast-milk for at least 6 months! As for when I will stop, I just don't know right now. We will just play it day by day.
He continues to be laid back and calm. He smiles and giggles but it takes some work sometimes. He is getting close to sitting by himself. He can do it for a few minutes most times before falling over. He started pulling himself up to a standing position while holding your hands yesterday. Naps are all over the place.I am surprised we are not in a better routine but I think with us out and about with Layla it has been hard for him. He naps well in the morning taking a nap about an hour after he gets up. As for the rest of the day he tends to take one around 1ish and then a late afternoon one. Most naps are only about a 30-45 min. But I guess if he starts napping longer the night time sleep will be less than the current 13-14 hours! So sleep is not something I can complain about.He still has fine thin straight hair. It does curly slightly when wet..but nothing like Laylas when she was a baby.