Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bennett Baker Mcduffie

On Thursday May 30,2013 our sweet baby boy was born. I had a scheduled c-section for 10 am planned although I was very surprised I went that far. Layla was born at 37weeks so I thought I would be lucky enough to have him a little early as well....but no such luck.
We dropped Layla at the Mcduffies Wednesday night since we has to be at the hospital by 8. I had a relaxing night and slept well.Of course Jatovi had a Bulls game. We go to the hospital and checked in to find out they were very busy, so I was worried about being pushed back. While we waited I skyped with my mom which was fun, but my Dad was still in the hospital recovering. Finally after 11 I was taken to the OR. Spinal was placed and this time I did not pass out, and they started. Jatovi came in wih Kuanda who stuck around to collect the cord blood. Her shift was over but being a great Aunt she didn't want to miss it. The team of Shanda, Amanda,Mary Cooley and Taft as well. Perfect team to start his life. He came out screaming and got apgars of 9 &;10 at 1211!! The best part was Jatovi carried my phone the whole time and my mom was on skype!! So it was the next best thing to her being there. In fact she saw more than sitting in the hallway waiting. He stayed with us the entire time they finished my procedure and then I carried him back to recovery. It was a nice 15 or so minutes of Jatovi and I sitting with him. But after about 15mins I asked Jatovi to take with that I felt dizzy. Within a few minutes of that a nurse came in since my monitor was alarming...she asked me how I was feeling and everything after that is kinda a blurr! I was bleeding heavily and had very low BP.I ended up with multiple people working on me, and poor Jatovi seeing things he will never forget. I am sure he will never look at me the same way again. Jatovi and Bennett got placed in the corner and that's where they stayed for a few hours while they worked on me. The best part I can see was for the first while my spinal was still in place because the amount of people pushing on my stomach has left he with the largest bruise so I can only imagine how much that would have hurt right after being cut open.
Due to this event my plans for Layla to meet her brother did not go as planned. They came around 4:30 and since I was still in recovery they only stated a few minutes. Layla came with her cute big sister shirt but I was   to tired and weak to put his on. She didn't say much but I am sure it was overwhelming coming into that small room with me hooked up to two different IV's and monitors still.
I stayed in the hospital until Sunday morning. I continued to bleed Saturday so they wanted to keep me to make sure I stopped. Bennett's blood sugar was fine per there protocol until he was 24 hrs old when it went to I finally stated to supplement. They had me convinced he would start eating better and it would come up. They were wrong. He latches just fine...but then does nothing.
Bennett is now a week old and breastfeeding still is a work in progress. With a nipple shield he has started taking the breast once or twice and day, when he feels like it. I can not stand is twice the work so I really need him to come around. Not only that I am not sure I can keep up my supply with pumping only. I pump everytime I feed him and I am just keeping extras. Layla breastfed so well I was not prepared for this. But I have to say he is a delightful baby!! His newborn coma  has allowed me to fall in love!! He never cries and in fact sleeps until I wake him up for feeds. I just can't believe how well he sleeps. The problem is I am on edge waiting for it to change. I know he can't be this good for ever. When he is awake he just looks around. He does not cry in the car seat like his sister did. The differences are crazy.
So I am trying to just enjoy his calm cuddly persoanlity while it lasts.
Layla seems to be just fine with him around. The first couple of days she wanted extra attention but that seems to be fading away. She calls him"Benny"which I think is so cute. I don't want anyone else doing it but she can have her own nick name for him.