Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not a Diabetic?

So i failed my 1 hr glucose big surprise. However my result was 159. Anything over 140 you have to do the three hour test. With Layla my one hour result was 220..didn't even have to do the three hour one. When you fail over 200 they just consider you a Gestational diabetic and you start treatment. So I was surprised to have to do the three hour one  in fact I was a little angry. What a waste of three hours of my life...all for the same results. The doctor I saw last week agreed there was no way I was going to pass, in fact she thought I would fail the 1 hr again. With the amount of meds I needed last time, and given the fact I was three years older she agreed I would fail. The reason we had this talk was I wanted to know what the protocol was if I did pass.I have seen so many babies that are gigantic and having sugar issues but the mom "was not a diabetic". So I feel like they are missing something in the way they treat patients  She did not have a lot of answers for me, just that yes they do agree they are missing some women.
My parents are here on vacation to help get the babies room ready which is great since I know needed a babysitter for three hours. So Monday morning I went and spent three hours off my life sitting in the doctors office. I was told I would hear Monday afternoon or Tuesday at the latest  I spent all day Tuesday with my phone near me waiting. The call never came. So this morning as soon as I woke I looked at my email, and sure enough there was a message saying I had a result in portal view. They only put reports of normal values in without talking to you. I was shocked. I opened it up and sure enough I passed the three hour test. I AM NOT A DIABETIC...or so they think. So I now have to wait until my next appointment to act like the crazy lady and find out what the next step is. I will probably be the first one to come and ask to be retested, but I don't want to take any chances. When you are a diabetic they test  you by NST and u/s twice a week because the baby is at such high risk for being still born, that going with no further testing doesn't seem safe to me. I will enjoy it while I can!!
This pregnancy has been so different, no heart problems(yet) not a diabetic yet) very little sickness. I just hope he continues to be this easy once he is out!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

27 weeks

After three trips to prenatal peek we finally have a few pictures of him. He has not been cooperative and they are not that great. But we will take what we can get!