Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

23 weeks

So this second child is already a second child. With Layla I wrote about everything, however no time this time.
I feel fine for the most part. I am getting braxton hicks this time, which is all new. I don't think I had more than 3 tightening s with Layla the whole time. But this time they started at 21 weeks and happen every day. So very new. He has started moving more, but compared to Layla he seems to calmer. I do have an anterior placenta this time which makes a difference as well. I feel small movements however she was kicking hard from like 18 weeks on. They will not retest for diabetes until 28 weeks, so I have been enjoying food while I can. I need to slow down....gaining a lot of weight.

I think his name is Bennett Baker Mcduffie!!
We went through every boy name out there. And agreed on very little. I liked Henry but Jatovi then wanted to call him Hank, no thanks!I wanted Benjamin with Layla but this time it didn't feel right. So when I found Bennett I thought perfect, I still get my Ben!! Jatovi was not convinced at first so we went on think of more. In the mean time I asked Layla to say some names, and Bennett stuck! She kept calling him Bennett. I also thought Reed was nice, but after a couple weeks of Layla calling him Bennett Jatovi said I guess I am out voted! So here we have it.

I am taking classes towards my BSN so we have been busy around here. My parents are coming next month to do his room. So I am sure the next few months are going to go fast!