Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 12, 2012

No more Diapers?

Today is day 3 with no pull ups! Tuesday morning we took Layla to the doctors to follow up on her recent "vomiting" issues she has been having. She has just been sick about once a week for awhile now, acts fine before and after. She had really bad reflux as a baby and the doctor thinks she still does. I can handle reflux as long as she remains happy. While we were there the doctor noticed she was wearing pull ups, and although she was happy we were making progress she suggested we stop using them. She said with her verbal and understanding skills she is ready to be done with diapers. She said to expect the occasional accident but just to go with out. So we did and so far its been great! No issues at all. We still put her in a diaper to sleep, although she woke up yesterday from her nap dry and asking to go pee.
I am trying to get in a routine of taking her before we leave the house because I have found that if I don't suggest she go, as soon as we get in the car she is asking. I then spend the entire drive praying she doesn't pee.
At 18months when the doctor said we should start potty training I thought she was crazy, but it seems she may be right. She said I could have her done by 2...and we just may be. Her advice has been good with everything else, so lets she how many times I am changing her clothes.